Compact and cost-effective printed brochures
Brochures are informative and convey your message quickly and easily. They cover a large amount of information on a small amount of space, all without leaving the reader feeling overwhelmed. Brochures can be strategically placed in many locations, distributed at trade shows, or even used as a direct mail piece when you more to say than what will fit on a postcard
Benefits of Brochures
DME knows exactly what it takes to make a memorable impression on your customers through the use of direct mail. With over 30 years of experience, you can trust us with every aspect of your marketing postcard campaign.
Highly Versatile
Brochures can be mailed, used on location, or handed out at events...the possibilities are endless!
Small but Mighty
Though compact, brochures are able to hold enough information to pack a punch.
With our state-of-the-art digital presses, we can produce a large number of brochures in a small amount of time, while also saving you money. Bulk orders are no match for us!

Multiple messages, 1 convenient format.
Don’t let a brochure’s size fool you, they can fit a lot of content! Not only do they convey the information you need, they can also be personalized specifically to your target customers. With DME Delivers’ variable 1:1 technology you can personalize multiple aspects of your campaign, such as the recipient’s name, images, messaging, and offers, all in one print run!
Are you ready to add something new to the fold?
Whether you need 100 or 100,000 brochures, we’ve got you covered from start to finish. On your mark, get set…fold!