The Enrollment Journey

We’re here to help you every
step of the way.
Many colleges and universities don’t have the time, energy, or resources in place in order to execute an efficient end-to-end enrollment marketing campaign that ignites, captures and converts their ideal students. At DME Delivers, we specialize in Print and Digital Enrollment Marketing programs that solve your end-to-end problems. We have the team, experience and technology to help you brainstorm, design, create, shop, and fulfill your vision that accelerates your enrollment journey campaigns. And the best part is that we do everything for you so that you can save time, money, and reduce your stress while letting us do the hard work.
Enrollment Journey
Let's start the journey
- Outreach and RecruitmentOutreach and Recruitment takes experience. That’s because you’re targeting a large pool of prospects over an extended period of time. So how do you ensure that your efforts beat your competition, run efficiently and most importantly, attract the best students? We utilize an automated omnichannel marketing approach which empowers you to reach your prospects on a personal 1-to-1 level through all channels. Furthermore, we do all this for you and provide you with our powerful Programmatic Mail so sending relevant and personalized direct mail is as easy as clicking a button!
- AcceptanceStand out. When it comes to Acceptance Packages, we stick out like sore thumbs. Standing out sounds simple, but your competition has the same goal. Prospective students usually apply to numerous schools and also have a handful to choose from once the acceptances roll in. So, how do you make your school stand out amongst the competition? Our award-winning Acceptance Packages, speedy delivery and fulfillment services, and our one-of-a-kind Commitment Predictor Program not only help you appeal to prospective students first…but will also help you figure out who is excited to commit to your university.
- Yield: Financial AidYield. It’s one of the most important parts of the enrollment journey for a reason. You can accept as many students as you like, but that doesn’t guarantee they’ll be in the classroom come next semester. One of the largest hurdles in the Yield stage is obtaining financial aid. It can be complex and intimidating. Studies show that schools who streamline the financial aid process for their students and offer personalized and consistent help get results. By streamlining the Financial Aid process and offering personalized data and information can help ensure students financially commit to your university before anyone else. So how can you assure your students that your school is worth their future? We specialize in designing Yield Programs that cater to each student’s individual needs, prevent missed deadlines and remove any complexities to keep them moving along the Enrollment Journey with your university.
- Yield: DepositSave my seat! Want to know how to secure that deposit? </ br> What is the number of no-deposits your university receives? If your school has a lot of no-deposits, it might be time to think about changing your Yield: Deposit Strategy. Putting down a college deposit is no joke—for students and their families, it’s one of the most impactful investments they will make for their future. How can you show students that your school is worth their future? DME Delivers specializes in Yield: Deposit Marketing that communicates value over cost and reaffirms them that they are making the right choice by giving you a deposit on their future. Show that you are willing to invest in them outside of just providing an excellent education. Whether it is with branded merchandise like apparel, sunglasses or a stuffed mascot like Brooklyn College. Sending a deluxe Deposit: Thank You kit will speak volumes to your students and show them how thankful you are that they are investing in their futures with you.
- Yield: Summer MeltThe heat is on. A strong Summer Melt Strategy ensures your students will beat the heat. Did you know there are more than 1 million fewer students in college since before the pandemic began? With so much uncertainty, there’s no such thing as over-communicating to your admitted students to ensure they beat the heat. Are you developing a comprehensive melt strategy to help your university stay top of mind with your admitted students? DME Delivers specializes in Summer Melt marketing programs put a freeze on melt and help make sure your brand and communications are never overlooked.
- OrientationOrientation is a big, BIG deal. Let’s prepare your students for success. For many students, it can be a nerve-racking time starting a new chapter and setting their feet on a new campus. So how can you make them feel truly at home at their new school? At DME Delivers, we understand how important it is to ensure that your incoming students feel prepared and excited to begin their new chapter with your school. Our Orientation Programs will tell your school’s story and communicate important information on what to expect so your students can thrive when classes begin.

Same day print and mail. Sounds crazy, right? It is, but also true. Our Programmatic Mail enables Purdue University Global to do just that.

Generate excitement and increase brand exposure like South Dakota State University by providing viral-ready items like Dorm Flags in your Acceptance Packages.

Streamlining the Financial Aid process by offering personalized data and information for each student like Lamar University can increase Yield.

Sending a deluxe Deposit: Thank You Kit Like Brooklyn College will show your students how thankful you are that they are pursuing their future with you.

Letters can get stale pretty quickly. Use our exclusive Bound Banner like Ohio University to create a lasting reminder and increase local brand exposure.

Include Coppin State logo and copy: Sending our Orientation Package Like Coppin State University did helps boost student participation and get them—and their families—ready for their next chapter.
...and what about
Retention, Student Engagement, Commencement, Alumni, Athletic Development, Tradeshow and Promotional Product Marketing?
Yeah, we’ve for you covered there, too!
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