1. Know your Audience

Only 45% of seniors have an internet connection. If one of your targets is senior citizens, ignoring direct mail would be a costly mistake. For most audiences, the primary marketing communication is email, but people are so bombarded by emails that they easily could overlook yours. If your consumer does read it, it is likely quickly forgotten or lost with new incoming messages. Keep in mind as well, people have whole inboxes devoted to advertisements and newsletters. Direct mail on the other hand, is a tangible item that is picked up, examined and is typically kept for a later visual reminder.

  1. Personalize your Mail Piece

Thanks to variable data printing it is now easier than ever to personalize your direct mail. Feature a product image that is tailored to the household, a product name the customer has purchased and even their name.  These highly customized letters can include handwritten font and eye-popping color to dazzle the reader.  Your customers are not all the same, so why should your mail piece be?

  1. Have a Clear Call-to-Action

The last thing you want to do is confuse your reader. Make it clear and convincing what action you want them to take. Your mailer should be concise, feature a value proposition and a strong call to action. Have them pick up the phone, get on your website or drive their car right down to your business. Offering a coupon or promotion is a great way to add value and make your reader say “yes” to your business. Stay away from cheesy or overused says like “Act now before it’s too late!”.

  1. Make your Design Cohesive

Your mailer should be eye-catching, but make sure you represent your brand image. Creating a mail piece featuring your brand colors and designs is a way to ensure your brand is recognizable in the minds of your prospects. Do not feature multiple fonts or a lot of competing colors that may compromise the readability of your piece. You do not want to distract your consumer from your call to action.

  1. Make a Well-Rounded Campaign

While direct mail can be a standalone campaign, it works best when used in conjunction with a cross platform campaign. Use it as just one element in your campaign to your customers. It can take five “touches” or more before someone takes action with your brand, so it is best to attract them using all media. Using direct mail and online marketing is a great way to turn prospects into loyal brand ambassadors.

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